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  • May 29, 2024

  • 5 min read


4 ways an EV salary sacrifice scheme can benefit your business

Electric car sales are skyrocketing, and it’s not hard to see why. Electric cars are a sustainable choice and can be much cheaper to power than traditional petrol cars. With more models entering the market and more charging stations popping up around the country, driving an EV has never been easier. However, many people still believe electric cars are too expensive for them.

One way to break this barrier is for employers to run salary sacrifice schemes for electric vehicles. Using these government-backed schemes, employees can lease EVs through their company, saving money as the cost comes out of their pre-tax salary.

Sounds good? We think so. And so do lots of businesses; including Dyson, Purple Bricks, Huel, and Nandos.

With so many companies riding the electric wave, now’s the time to jump on. There are lots of advantages for businesses who do - read on to discover four ways an EV salary sacrifice scheme can benefit your company.

Four benefits of an electric car salary sacrifice scheme

1. Keep your employees happy

Employee benefits help show your team you care. People are more likely to love their job if it’s at a company that values them. Plus, if they’re happy and content, your employees tend to work more effectively.

A great benefits package also encourages your people to stick around, with 75% of employees saying they’re more likely to stay in a job because of the benefits package. Offering EVs through salary sacrifice is great because it’s a benefit your employees can actually use, rather than something that looks good on paper but has no real value.

Giving your team access to an electric vehicle through salary sacrifice will let them know they’re valued, making them more productive and more likely to stay with your company for the long term.

2. Boost your company profile

It’s not just your current employees who’ll love the option to lease an electric vehicle, but potential new starters too.

Candidates consider employee benefits when applying for new roles, with 78% of people are more likely to go for a job if there are details of benefits in the ad. And, of the many, many options for employee benefits, “help to get a car” ranks in the top five for most job seekers.

Job hunters also want to join companies that are working to make the world a better place. Committing to putting more EVs on the road will make your business a top choice for sustainability-minded applicants.

Offering electric cars through salary sacrifice will not only show potential employees that you’re serious about the environment but will make your company stand out against other potential employers.

3. Help you hit your Net Zero goals

In 2019, the transport sector was responsible for almost a third of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions. And the majority of this pollution came from cars and taxis.

Tackling greenhouse gas emissions is one of the many ways we can work towards a cleaner future. Because electric cars are better for the environment than petrol and diesel vehicles (as they have zero tail-pip emissions), putting more EVs on the road will make a big difference in the fight against climate change.

Making it easier and cheaper for your employees to access electric cars will also start to encourage more people to make the switch to electric. And without costing your company anything, you’ll be helping to make the world greener, proving your company’s commitment to a more sustainable future.

4. Save your company and employees cash

Firstly, setting up an EV salary sacrifice scheme with Octopus costs you absolutely nothing. And for each employee who joins the scheme, you’ll pay less employer National Insurance.

Your employees will also save money on their taxes, as the payments for their new electric car will be taken from their pre-tax salary. This means your employees can save up to 40% on the full electric vehicle package (car, charger, insurance, breakdown, and more). And they’ll get a top-of-the-range car at an affordable price.

Giving your employees access to an electric car through salary sacrifice is an excellent way to give them a useful, great-value benefit. They'll thank you for making it cheaper to get a snazzy new car, all while helping to make the world a more sustainable place.

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